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3RD Annual H&H was well attended with riders of all ages. The grill was firing and so was the riding.
5 days of intense fun and training. Private Rail/ Jib garden. Daily Gummie Bear Awards. Ending with a mock contest to simulate a USASA Rail Jam.
We Co hosted a street jam with custom candy cane double barrel rail. Over 4,000 in attendance and taught over 100 children intro to snowboarding.
Co Hosted a rail Jam in Victor NY at NEON Wave Fall Fest, fireworks, vendors, live music, and a great time. Over 2,000 people in attendance.
We are extremely proud to assist in hosting a wonderful benefit DH Bike Race for Cystic Fibrosis. We were able to raise $7,565.00 total and CNY FreeRide Contributed $2,500 along with over 70 racers!
CNY FreeRide hosted the second annual Woödchück Classic Downhill Dual Slalom Mtn Bike Racing
CNY FreeRide hosted Downhill Dual Slalom Mtn Bike Racing for 8 weeks. With 47 racers every Wednesday Night for best times!
CNY FreeRide hosted at Toggenburg with 35 competitors on a 6 feature layout. This event was brought to you by Monster Energy Drink, Bergers, Toggenburg Mtn Resort
CNY FreeRide hosted at Greek Peak with 45 riders brought to you by Bergers, Good Threads, Flower Skate Shop, Brian Ludgate Metal work
US Freestyle Ski & Snowboard coaches offered a training camp to athletes to improve their riding.
Summer 2020 kicked off our Downhill Dual Slalom Mountain Bike Racing at Greek Peak Mountain Resort. Wednesday Night pre qualified racers of all ages competed for over all times.
Head lamps and bar lights played host to a 9/11/20 dedication race under the lights on The Woodchuck Classic Race Course.
CNY FreeRide hosted A Big Dual Slalom Mtn Bike Race that happens every August at Greek Peak Bike Park. This year we had over 109 racers from 6 years old to 66.
Central New York Action Sports Foundation